The place is called The Forest Camp as the sign suggests.
A hanging bridge. Nothing spectacular about this.
The water is really inviting. I was told that the townspeople have a subsidy of 600 pesos worth of electricity from the government. The whole town got its electricity from this spring.
The pool may look dirty but it's not. The water is from the spring so it is flowing all the time. The moss you found at the bottom is exactly the same found on the rocks in the spring.
It's not a gnome sitting on the ledge. That's me, silly.
Just testing the water. Brrrr. Cold. Cold.
Lilies! Uhmmmm... Lilies.. I can't think of anything to say more than that.
The view from the top of the hanging bridge.
The spring goes all the way to the shores of Dumaguete City. Can you see me hanging on that tree at the top of that big rock?... Just kidding..
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