Friday, June 27, 2008


Tell me. Who would buy a 5-dollar atis (sugar-apple, as known internationally)? Maybe someone who has lots of money and simply wants to eat one. Or maybe someone who considers atis as the most delicious fruit ever that has grown on earth. Or maybe someone who considers eating atis as to having sex - it takes him to another dimension. I hardly fit on the first description. But the last two would more or less describe my craving for this fruit. I can certainly finish a cartoon-full of this groovy sugar-filled delight in one day even if my tonsils would cry out for help for sweetness sake. And even if I know for sure that the next day my tonsils would grow twice its size making me really sick and have to pay bucketfull of money for expensive antibiotics.

And there I was, inside the grocery store, standing in front of the basket where huge atis are neatly stacked on top of each other, forming a pyramid. To buy or not to buy? That is the question. Damn! These fruits grow everywhere from where I came. Here it's priced almost 200 pesos a piece!!! I contemplated for a minute. As I am only human and therefore weak, I quickly picked one and headed straight to the counter before raising any doubt.

So, it all leads me now at my table writing this entry while happily savoring every pulp of sweetness from my 5-dollar atis. And just like sex, I'm in heaven.
Please bear with my pic. I don't have any kick-ass DSLR yet or even a decent point-and-shoot for that matter.


Ylan said...

ang walang kamalay-malay na atis... tsk...

Anonymous said...

mahala ana nga atis oi... nangala ka iam?

splat said...

atay aning yvaine... abi nakog kinsa.. mangala gyud ko aning atis bisan asa ko dapita.. mao na moagwanta ug palit bahalag mahal kaayo ang inatay...