Friday, November 14, 2008

thank y'all

First of all, thank you. The comments, phone calls, overflowing emails and text messages ALMOST made this emo inside me go away. Some even go further by offering me invitation for a sizzling sexual intercourse in a bath tub. I still have to find me a tub though so I can picture out the scenario laid out to me. Raised hips, one hand under the leg, the other on the tub ledge then put one leg on shoulder while the other is supporting the weight. This is really confusing. Where can I find a tub? Unfortunately, the venue is on the other side of the planet. So I have to graciously decline with a thank you and an afterword of accepting the invitation once I can afford the plane ticket.

Your concern ALMOST made my day. It's like half of what I really needed. After a passionate night of satisfying my carnal desires, I laid down in bed thinking this is the other half of what's missing for the past 2 weeks. Lack of this is what made me a freakin' emo. So there. I'm happy to tell you that I'm fine now and abandoning any kind of suicidal scheme in the near future. Next time I turn emo, I'll no longer want your i-miss-you's and stay-strong. Just fuck the hell out of me then I'll be fine.

Back to regular programming.

For the past few minutes, I've been writing about Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC), superconductivity and absolute zero temperature of minus 459.67 degrees Fahrenheit. All because I got excited after reading an online article in released on January of this year regarding the subject. Then I realized, what the heck am I babbling about? Then quickly deleted the rest of the entry before anyone else gets a hint that I'm one of 'em nerds. Damn! I've even come up with a number like minus 459.66666666666666432104321 degrees Fahrenheit as the temperature used by a physicist - a word synonymous with nerd or geek - in Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge to achieve BEC. You know that an experiment used BEC to stop light at a standstill. Imagine that. Okay, I'll quit yapping about this already.

Anyway, let's set aside this topic and spare ourselves with nosebleeds and headaches. But if you want to read the article, click here.

Let's move on instead to meaningful topics like Lindsay Lohan publicly admitting her relationship with another woman, DJ Samantha Ronson. I read her interview online and she seemed to be in-love and behaving like a boring American. Planning to buy a house and settling, and talking about how she wasted all her money with those wild parties. And I thought I'm gonna read about how she likes to be manhandled in bed or her favorite Kama Sutra position.
Geez! Her rehab worked? I guess I won't be seeing raunchy pictures of her anytime soon. A tale of wild girl gone good. So who's next?

Sorry, Aneshka and Gwenn, and to all my other physicist friends out there. I never for a nanosecond moment thought to label you as nerds or geeks. My comment above refers to all other physicists except you, guys. You're by far the coolest physicists I know on this planet. I will never meet another person again who can recite the periodic table of elements on one breath.


the Constantly Dramatic One said...

Blady're a nerd? I did not know that. Damn, now I have to rethink my one night stand invi to you....hhhmmm.....=p

Ylan said...

splat, di ba ang mga chemists man na ang mumemorize sa periodic elements? hehe!

splat said...

cd, noooooooooooooo!!!!! good lord!?!?! what have i done???!!! i'm driving away my future sex partners.... waaaaaah

ylan, hmmmmm... bitaw sa?? pataka lang kog yawyaw da...

Gwenn said...

splat, ayaw lagih paila nga kibaw ka anang periodic table, BEC or whatever... ahahaha...

anyways, correction, I am a PHYSICian... nyahaha...
